Synastry – The Hidden Power of the Nadir


cozyWhen beginners start learning synastry, there’s a tendency to jump straight in and focus on Venus and Mars, and maybe even the Descendant. Which makes sense, right? Of course you want to be attracted to your partner. You want to be pulled toward them, for them to turn your head every time. But for real, lasting love, you need more. You want your partner to feel like home.

For this, we need to look to the Moon and the nadir, or IC. The Moon represents our emotional core, what makes us feel satisfied and safe. And the IC, which opposes the Midheaven, is our most private point. It represents who we are in our most sacred recesses, those soft vulnerable places that are never exposed to the harsh light of day.

Putting those together, you have what makes up our concept of home. A place where you can be totally safe and feel free to be exactly who you are. A place where you are valued for what you already are, and a place that provides a respite from the world. And in love, that is a beautiful thing.

I will cop to be biased here. In my personal life, I am notorious for dating people’s Moons. As a matter of fact, every single man I have dated with any degree of seriousness has had his Moon almost exactly conjunct my IC. But I am also notorious for having exceptionally long-lasting, deeply committed relationships. And I think this is no coincidence.

When your partner is your comfort, your soft place to fall, it creates a deep, untouchable bond. Very few things on this earth can come between a person and their home. When you have that unshakable sense of trust and safety, there is value there that cannot be easily discarded. Saturn isn’t the only glue in town.

So the next time you want to see what kind of long-term potential you are your prospective partner have, take a look at the Moon and the IC. If you see connections there, breathe a sigh of relief. You’re home.

Want help understanding your love? Check out Midara’s Relationship Review!

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