Libra Could Save Your Life!


hustle modeLibra is a sign that doesn’t get a fair shake. Libra is associated with balance and interdependence, and those traits are not highly valued in our society. We’re told to  go hard and keep up the hustle. We can sleep when we’re dead. We’re encouraged to drop relationships the moment they become inconvenient and told there’s something wrong with us if we’re not willing or able to go it alone. While there’s certainly value in some of those ideas, I think that we as a society are doing ourselves a real disservice. We need rest. We need balance. We need each other.

In my own life, I am in a phase where every single moment of my time is spoken for. I am juggling more competing priorities than I can even keep up with. This is wonderful in many ways because I am spending most of that time doing the work that I love, which is consulting here and helping people make their lives better on their terms. It’s great! But there are many, many other things demanding my time and attention right now as well, and I will tell you this right now: I could not do this without my partner.

tataI mean that. There is simply no way I could manage without him and without his labor, and he couldn’t manage without mine. We are profoundly interdependent. Between the two of us, we are able to balance all our priorities and make sure everything that goes into living a hectic modern life is accomplished. We remind each other to rest. We take turns cooking. I make sure the bills are paid, and he makes sure I have fresh sheets. I haven’t cleaned a toilet in years, and he hasn’t refilled the soap dispenser in so long that he didn’t even realize that I bought new ones – in 2016. And even with this division of labor, we are both stretched to our limit. I shudder to think what my life would look like if I had to take on all of that on my own.

This also allows us to rest every now and then. We all need it, and we suffer without that balance. A few years ago, I tried to do everything myself. I had gotten it into my mind that it was easier to just go ahead do anything that needed to be done without stopping to check in and make sure I was taking care of myself. Then a minor rash that I thought would clear up on its own turned into cellulitis, and worsened so quickly that I was septic within just a few days. I was rushed into surgery and hospitalized for days. The surgeon told me that if I had waited any longer to seek treatment, I likely wouldn’t have made it. But even that wasn’t enough to get me to slow down. I went right back to it, and a few months later I was taken down again, this time by severe pneumonia. It was so bad that I got winded walking ten steps to the bathroom. My fever was sky-high. My throat was so inflamed that I couldn’t swallow at all and had to be put on an IV. This time, the doctor sat me down and told me very frankly that I was killing myself. She told me that a healthy person in their early thirties simply shouldn’t be having these kinds of issues with this kind of severity. I had to slow down. I had to learn to balance. I had to learn to rely on others. My life depended on it.

So thank God for Libra. I am so grateful that I did learn these lessons. If I hadn’t embraced balance and interdependence, I would not be here talking to you now! Libra energy literally saved my life. And while I know that most people’s stories aren’t quite as extreme as mine, I think we can all apply those principles. There’s nothing wrong with going it alone every now and then, and there’s nothing wrong with working hard and pushing yourself. But eventually you will hit a limit. And when you do, you’ll be very, very happy to have a little Libra in your life.

Have you ever pushed too hard?  What value has Libra energy brought to your life?

Check out Midara’s Relationship Review!

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