Mercury In Libra Square Pluto In Capricorn: Filthy, Manipulative Speech


libra enid collins old purseMercury will square Pluto today at 20 degrees Capricorn. This is stressing Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo. These signs are already tweaked by Neptune in Pisces.  That aside, it’s interesting to observe the mental processes and various communications that are occurring at this time.

Mercury in Libra enjoys polite discourse. The mind weighs things. It often struggles to make a decision, due to all the going back and forth. In contrast, Pluto is extreme.

Yesterday, I was working with a Libra client. She has Pluto transiting her IC. She also has a Scorpio moon. She explained how she had been pushing herself to get out of the house (IC), instead of “sitting at home in my shit-filled diaper”.  How’s that for expressive?  Well said, lady!

I fear my friend (and major Virgo), Mary, will die at this time. I’m also surrounded by people waiting for results of their various tests and scans…

Here are some things watch for:

  • Power struggles with siblings or your partner
  • Communication meant to control or manipulate
  • Messages from people who you thought were dead to you (in some form)
  • Projecting your shadow

I imagine a beautiful doily…then something spills and degrades the fabric.
But there is an upside! Conversations can be deep, powerful, supportive and healing at this time. Depends on who you talk to, huh?

What do you see happening out there?

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