Pluto Direct In Capricorn: October 2, 2019 – What’s Inevitable


Pluto red Pluto will turn direct at 20 degrees Capricorn on October 2nd. I see this like a third of four engines, firing up to move us along.

Jupiter turned direct in August.
Saturn turned direct in September
Now Pluto will turn direct in October.
Then Neptune will turn direct in November.

It’s oddly cool.

Specific to Pluto, some people will notice the shift. Others may not. This is akin to a shift in a fault line, deep in the earth. Animals know.

Pluto in Capricorn describes something inevitable. That’s how I see it, anyway. Something inevitable, like aging.

But what’s inevitable is not always negative.  A person might be particularly talented. You see them and you know they’re destined to be successful.

What’s core here is that with Pluto turns direct, we’ll officially enter the final period leading up to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in January, 2020. They’ll be no more delays or reprieves or blocks or anything.  Just a slow roll to this remarkable point in time.

If you want to know more about the Saturn Pluto conjunction and how it might affect you, personally, check this:

The 2020 Saturn Pluto Conjunction Transit: Effect By House

You can also check the tag – Saturn conjunct Pluto.  This conjunction is of special interest to me. You’re sure to gain a deeper understanding.

How do feel with Pluto turning direct? 

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