It’s Not That Easy To Turn Back


Approching stormIt’s hard to get off a certain path once you’re on it. It’s just not easy to turn back.

Thinking of terms of astrology is eye-opening. At this point in my life, I want to be careful which path I choose and what I invest in. Part of this is age, but part of it has to do with transits.

If you’re having a strong Neptune transit, you will probably drift.
Uranus transits, particularly if Mars is involved, tend to see a person act impulsively and experiment.
Many people go down a dark path when Pluto transits their chart, or into a depression.  Some transits see people take leaps of faith that can land them in hellish conditions.

Years can pass during these type processes. It’s possible you get little done. I can tell you this for sure, because I’ve lived it. Today, I have tremendous appreciation for the idea of slowing down enough to choose that path I am going to take, with care. Care, not fear!

I spoke with a Pisces gal. She spent ten years with the love of her life, but the couple did not stay together. He died four years after they separated. She’s got no interest in any other man. His was the soul for hers.

She said she could have done more. If she’d tried harder at the time, she could have kept him in his life, but she did not.

I pulled this post up because Jupiter will soon leave Sagittarius. You really want to choose carefully – get it right.

Finding Direction When Jupiter Leaves Sagittarius For Capricorn – Video

How much thought and care do you put into the choices you make in your life?


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