The Astrological Edge . . . . . August 2019

This month, the dust
will begin to settle from last month’s eclipses. There will be a general need
for a breather, and people will likely be seeking an escape from the barrage of
activity and information presented in July. Constructive progress will be
possible, but for the first part of the month, it may seem as if noticeable
problems are going unaddressed. Although there could be a global appearance of
inaction, there will be efforts taking place behind the scenes. It will be a
powerful month for creativity, and we could receive important messages from
artists. Forcing change, even when it’s desperately needed, will not be
scheduled to work at this time. We’ll see the most success coming from groups
and individuals that are willing to invest consistent energy over a long period
of time. Sacrifice and compromise will also be indicators of stable,
sustainable change.

Mercury stationed
direct on July 31, but we’ll be in the shadow phase of this phenomenon until
the 15th of this month. Proceed with caution, and try to postpone final
agreements until the second half of August. After the 15th, we’ll enjoy the
mental clarity needed to move forward without hesitation. Additionally, Jupiter
will station direct on the 11th, which can help us to begin manifesting ideas
that have been developing internally over the past few months. Uranus will
station retrograde on the 11th, which will provide a slowing energy to new
agreements. This can offer us a much needed “brake pedal” on plans that feel
out of control, especially when it comes to finances. Worldwide, we may see
this energy expressed through a slowing of economic activity and/or a drop in
the stock market.

Jupiter Stations Direct, Helping Us Attract Fortuitous Connections
Jupiter will station direct on August 11, ending a retrograde cycle that began on April 10. Over the past four months, Jupiter retrograde has allowed us to look within for the opportunities we desire. This energy has been rewarding self-reliance and ingenuity, but the opportunities we have been waiting for may not have appeared in the way we had hoped. Now, with Jupiter direct, will be able to enjoy a little help from others and feel our connections with others paying off. 

August will be a good
month to bring people together for a common cause and co-create innovative
solutions. Worldwide, we could see the results of some Members
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August’s New Moon occurs on the 30th at 5:38
A.M. Eastern Standard Time. The first 8 hours after the New Moon is exact are
the most powerful for wishing, but up to 24 hours later will still work. For
the exact best times for writing your wishes during any month’s New Moon, check
out New Moon Power Days within the three days prior to each New Moon.