Weekend Love Forecast – Full Moon In Aries Square Pluto


moon-sunIt’s late, I’m late to post the weekend bit. You know why? My week was crap; I had too much on my plate and I forgot. There’s the plain old crazy of it. I suspect I’m not the only one with the weird misfire. Mercury and now Venus opposite Uranus in the sky will do that for you. It just shows up differently for everyone. And you can’t foresee it. That’s how Uranus works. Surprise!

So for what’s left of tonight, Friday night (I’m pretty sure), the Moon finishes up in Pisces with no new aspects. So we can, I don’t know, feel sorry for ourselves? Contemplate the absurdity of life, of retrograde Uranus completely sending the Scorpio energy pear-shaped and wobbly? Scorpio Mercury and Venus, both direct, should be a straightforward, fun-filled Octoberfest of Halloweeny fun. I suppose it could be, but then there’s also the weirdness poking out. So there’s that. I’m going to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Overnight, the Moon hits Aries, moving into conjunction with Chiron and opposition to Libra Mars. That seems pretty feisty, probably even irritating. I’d watch where you’re walking. There’s the likelihood of re-injury… or injuring someone else. It could be that with the addition of outside help we’re able to see a blow coming, avoid the main thrust, and heal – literally or metaphorically.

By evening, the Aries Moon moves past the Chiron-Mars opposition and Venus closes its exact opposition to Uranus. Mercury spends the rest of the weekend in trine to Neptune. Things are not entirely all they seem, and people may surprise you. It’s not good or bad; it just is. Senses can be confused, off a bit, or they can be eerily ON. If you find you’ve got a sudden yearning for something not entirely logical, something you wouldn’t normally consider – give it a little time to play out before you nail it down. It’s a real head scratcher. But if you get a strong intuition, go with your first instinct.

People can mysteriously switch up alliances and go off chasing rainbows… but maybe not rainbows. It’s more likely to be some dark horse.

Overnight and into Sunday morning, the Aries Moon moves closer to its full moon opposition to the Libra Sun. Midday, the Sun makes an exact sextile to Jupiter. By afternoon, the Moon sextiles Jupiter. Next the Aries Moon opposes the Libra Sun with both in closely applying square to Pluto.

Much has been made of the Pluto-full moon t-square. It’s intense. It’s a culmination of purpose and heart that incorporates earth-shaking change, transformation. It’s a death-rebirth theme. It’s sharp, broad, and it pertains to relationships and individuality in relation to the collective demon. But I’m not terribly worried about that. Not today, Satan! That’s what I’ve taken to saying every time someone rings my phone now.

On a smaller, more neighborhood level, if you’re not in a war zone, it’s probably going to be a metaphor. Most of us will take a hit but turn it into a win eventually. Fear not! It’s probably not actual zombies.

What I find most troubling is that innocuous sextile/trine to Jupiter. That screams HOLD MY BEER! FLOOR IT! So you know what? Don’t do that. It will probably look like an awesome and fun woohoo opportunity – easy to press the accelerator and go. Use your brain. Use the open channel of divine Neptune to the collective detective mind of Scorpio Mercury.

When you get your full moon fever, pump the Libra Mars brakes a bit and then use that good sense that’s available. Maybe dithering isn’t so bad.

Jupiter accelerates the fire. Jupiter inflates. Jupiter pushes. It creates a good story down the road and a chance to proliferate wisdom after a big plot twist. Opt for a safer story now.

The full moon in Aries takes place at 20 degrees with Jupiter at 20 Sadge and Pluto at 20 Capricorn. Where does it hit your chart?

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